In Our Original Position, the deviation of Kala Krsnadasa is stated in chapter twelve as factual and inescapable evidence that the jiva soul falls down from the eternal lila
To a neophyte disciple there may appear to be contradictions between guru, sadhu, and sastra but such contradictions are only apparent not real. Seeing an apparent contradiction between guru, sadhu, and sastra a neophyte devotee sometimes rejects either the guru, the sadhu, orthe sastra.
Kirtan, book publishing, and thus distribution also have been accepted by Saraswati Thakura and other great acharyas as service in the line of raganuga (also rupanuga ). To write about the Lord is also kirtan and similarly to preach (to assert and convert others) is also kirtan (when our preaching is performed for the pleasure of Krishna and His pure devotees it is kirtan ).
Question: I have heard people say that your guru, Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, taught his disciples Vaidhi-bhakti, the path based on scriptural injunctions, and not Raganuga-Bhakti, the path of spontaneous love of God. Is that true?
Om, the supreme combination of letters denotes the Supreme Entities Sri Radha Krishna and indicates the acme of spiritual tendency inherent in all jiva souls.
Study, learning, discourse on philosophy so many things are possible prior to initiation (diksha), but unless one gets this ashraya one does not gain admission to the descending flow of bhakti-rasa.
There was a disciple of our Guru Maharaja in 1976, I believe his name was Ananta Dasa Sastri. He used to travel with Srila Prabhupada in India and he was in the Sanskrit department assisting Srila Prabhupada in translation work. That year he compiled five slokas which describe much of Srila Prabhupada's divine character and his divine mission also. Prabhupada very much liked these five slokas. We used to sing them every morning before Guru Puja by his vyasasana, so some of you may remember them.