
Gita Govinda of Jayadeva Goswami

So far as the Gita-govinda is concerned, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta did not allow his disciples to read Gita-govinda nor did he ever write a forward to that book.
Swami B.G. Narasingha

The Worship of Gaura-Gadadhara

I have seen on your website that you are worshiping Gaura-Gadadhara at your ashrama. Why are you worshiping Gaura-Gadadhara rather than Gaura-Nitai?
Swami B.G. Narasingha

Inconceivable Topics

I have heard it said recently by some devotees that the origin of the jiva (regarding the soul's falling or not falling from the lila of Krsna) is inconceivable and that we cannot imagine or understand how or from where the soul has come into this material world. Can you please comment on this controversial topic?
Swami B.G. Narasingha

Jivas and the marginal plane

I have read the book "Our Original Position" (OOP) published by the Iskcon GBC Press in which it is stated that the jivas (living entities) come to this material world after falling from grace in the spiritual world. Is this 'fall philosophy' correct according to sastra and previous acaryas?
Swami B.G. Narasingha
Verification of Science

Scientific Verification of Vedic Knowledge

A vast number of statements and materials presented in the ancient Vedic literatures can be shown to agree with modern scientific findings and they also reveal a highly developed scientific content in these literatures.
Swami B.B. Vishnu

Mayapura and the Adbhuta-mandira

There is a doubt circulating among some devotees about the authentic location of 'Mayapura,' the birth site of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. There is also a controversy among some devotees about the Adbhuta-mandira. Will you please say something to clarify these issues?
Swami B.G. Narasingha

The Worship of Lord Narasimha

I have seen on your website that you have installed and worship Deities of Lord Narasimha in your ashram. When Gaudiya Vaisnavas are devotees of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna why do you worship Lord Narasimha?
Swami B.G. Narasingha


I have heard it said that there are some gaps in the list of names in the Gaudiya parampara and that some of the names given there are actually fictitious names of personalities that never really existed. Do you think this could be true?
Swami B.G. Narasingha

Temple of Understanding

I have heard whispers that the temple being built in Mayapura, called the "Temple of Understanding," in some ways falls short of the proper conception of Gaudiya Vaisnavism. I have also heard that this Temple of Understanding is thought by some devotees to be the Adbhuta Mandira predicted by Sri Nityananda Prabhu and Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. In your opinion is there any truth to this way of thinking?
Swami B.G. Narasingha

The Proof of Your Devotion

I once heard a devotee say that the proof of when your devotion has become real bhakti is when you can take the betel-nut prasadam from the mouth of Krsna and place it in the mouth of Radharani. Is this the actual standard by which we are to measure or understand when we have real bhakti?
Swami B.G. Narasingha

Worship of Govardhan

Some devotees worship Govardhana as Krsna or Balarama and others worship Him as the best devotee of Krsna (Srimati Radharani). How should we worship Govardhana?
Swami B.G. Narasingha

Hita Harivamsa and the Radha-Vallabha Sect

There is a famous temple (Radha Vallabha Mandira) in Vrndavana where the Deities of Radha Vallabha are worshipped and which is visited by many western devotees when they come to Vraja. What is the background of this temple and does it have any link with the Gaudiya sampradaya and it's philosophy?

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