I have a question, the answer to which should help me frame a paper I will write later this summer for an interfaith presentation on the topic of God among us: A Catholic-Vaishnava Dialog, the Incarnation and Avatar.
The following is a compendium of verses and quotes about the appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the advent of the Holy Name and the Sankirtana Movement, compiled by Swami B.G. Narasingha Maharaja.
The meaning of the phrase, ‘Guru is one’ is derived from the Sanskrit statement akhanda-guru-tattva. This means the undivided (akhanda) principle of the guru-tattva. This undivided guru-tattva manifests in three aspects, namely caitya-guru, diksa-guru, and siksa-guru respectively.
The truth should be spoken in a straightforward way, so that it will benefit others. I have heard that, in the greater Krsna consciousness movement, certain women clamor to be called Prabhu. Actually, all devotees are called Prabhu, but a real devotee clamors, "Call me your servant, call me your dog." Why do you want to be called Master?