
The Case of Subhadra

"Is Subhadra Yogamaya?" The answer many of us have heard is "Yes" and rightfully so. But it is not as easy as all that.
Swami B.G. Narasingha

Srila Sarasvati Thakura's Disappearance Day

Lecture given by Srila Sridhara Maharaja in the evening of the 24th December 1944 at Sri Caitanya Matha, Mayapura, and published in Dainik Nadiya Prakasa on the occasion of the observance of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura’s disappearance.

Srila B.R. Sridhar Maharaja

The Insanity of Inquiry

In this darsana Svarupa Damodara Maharaja and Narasingha Maharaja ask Srila Sridhara Maharaja to clarify how the jiva first comes to exist in the material world and how the jiva receives his first material body.


Srila B.R. Sridhar Maharaja

Jaya Radha-Madhava

Krsna does not punish people forever in any kind of hell. If any God does that then He is not God - He is a demon.
Swami B.G. Narasingha

Sri Guru Prasanti

In celebration of Srila Sridhara Maharaja's appearance day we present a Bengali poem written by Srimati Krsnamayi Devi.
Srimati Krsnamayi Devi

Sri Saradiya Puja

On the eve of Durga Puja, we present the following article by Srila Sridhara Deva Gosvami Maharaja,
Srila B.R. Sridhar Maharaja

Deviations of the Acarya

Previously, he expressed his advice by quoting the words of his own guru – that is gradually becoming absent in him...
Srila B.R. Sridhar Maharaja

The Greatest Negative

The following is an excerpt from a lecture by Srila Narasingha Maharaja on 28th August 2009 on the occasion of Radhastami.
Swami B.G. Narasingha

Sri Krsna Janmastami

 Not only is the story of Krsna the oldest,  it is the original basis of many religious stories told in Buddhism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism and many other different religions around the world.

Swami B.G. Narasingha

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