Pujala Raga-patha Gaurava Bhange by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura


This song was composed by Guru Maharaja himself when we moved from the hired house in Calcutta (Bhaktivinoda Asana). The Deities were moved to a constructed matha (Bagh Bazaar Gaudiya Matha). The Deities were carried on a chariot and we were dancing and singing just in front of Them. At that time he composed some six lines perhaps.

Whatever he did, pujala raga-patha gaurava bhange, his whole life in a nutshell is expressed in this, his own expression. The very nature of the sampradaya is this. The whole tenor of his preaching expedition. Not only for him, but he has extended the banner to all. Come under the banner of such a nature of thought about the divinity, an initiation will be safely secured.

"Pujala raga-patha gaurava bhange — That is Bhaktisiddhanta vani — the real existence of Bhaktisiddhanta is there." — Srila Sridhara Maharaja.
[ MP3 Recording of Srila Sridhara Maharaja saying this sloka. ]

Pujala raga-patha inscription at Sri Caitanya Saraswata Matha


Closeup of Bengali Inscription


matala hari-jana visaya range
pujala raga-patha gaurava-bhange

"The servants of Hari are engaged in lavish affairs, handling material wealth and engaging all manner of things in the Lord’s service. They worship the path of spontaneous devotion with gaurava-bhange[in a mood of awe and reverence] and to show that the raga-patha is above all [above our heads], they remain as servants, being a little distant and below, praying for that of a servant’s duty, not for that of a confidential nature — not to bring that highest divine love down here, but to hold that upon their heads."

bramala chhadi bhoga cinmaya-bange
dhaula pathi-pathi bhakata-sange

Having given up all types of sense-enjoyment, one should wander through the divine land of Gauda-desa, running along all the paths and roads in the association of the devotees.

chhadala para-ghara arcite gange
bujhala rasa-niti nacata dhange

Leaving that previous house for ever, to worship on the banks of the River Ganga, one will understand the science of rasa by engaging in sankirtana.

(This last verse refers to the moving of the Deities of Sri Sri Gaura Vinodananda from the house at Ultadanga Road to the new temple at Bagh Bazaar, which was situated on the bank of the Ganges.)

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