Topic: Parampara

Saraswati Prabhupada Parampara I

The following article has been written to counteract the accusation that Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Prabhupada and his disciples and grand disciples are not in the Parampara of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura.
Swami B.G. Narasingha

Prayers to Gaurakisora Dasa Babaji Maharaja

O Divine Master of my Divine Master, my most venerable preceptor, you are supremely worshippable in the group of the foremost associates of Sri Gauranga. May you be gracious upon this servitor surrendered unto your loving servitor (Dayita Dasa). O Gaura Kisora, again and again do I make my obeisance unto you.
Srila B.R. Sridhar Maharaja


The sampradaya institution has existed in this holy land of Bharata since time immemorial. The word sampradaya is a passive nominal formation from the Sanskrit verb root, sam-pra-da ('to hand down'). Lexicographers define it as 'the instruction that is passed down in a line of spiritual masters.' This is also called disciplic succession or guru parampara, and implies that such instruction in spiritual truth is passed down personally from teacher to disciple in a direct chain (srauta-parampara).
Srila B.P. Puri Maharaja

Srila Prabhupada Pranam

"I offer my humble obeisance’s unto His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada, who is very dear to Sri Krsna on this earth, having taken shelter at His lotus feet."
Swami B.S. Govinda

Srila Prabhupada Stotram

"O Lord, O Prabhupada, may you always be the object of my vision. Only the name of Krsna can destroy my pride and illusion. Although my mind and intelligence are contaminated by wicked inclinations, I nevertheless take shelter of Your Divine Grace by constant meditation upon your lotus feet in causeless devotion."
Ananta Dasa Sastri

The Authorized Sri Caitanya Saraswata Parampara

The words 'Sri Caitanya Saraswata Parampara' indicate the disciplic succession (parampara) which was handed down from the time of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to that of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura. This parampara is a disciplic succession of divine knowledge (divya jnanam) also known as the 'Brahma-Madhva Gaudiya sampradaya' or the 'Bhagavata-parampara'.
Swami B.G. Narasingha

Srila B.P. Puri Maharaja Biography

We cannot describe the life of Srila Puri Goswami Maharaja without emphasizing his contribution to the spiritual movement in which he was so integrally involved. The depth of his accomplishments cannot be fathomed outside the context of Sri Gaudiya Math. With his fellow godbrothers, he shared an indomitable faith in the service of his Guru and the message of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada - Biography

His divine grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada was a rasika acarya, an expert in relishing the mellows of pure devotion as taught by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Such capacity to relish hearing and chanting about Godhead’s transcendental name, form, attributes, and pastimes is uncommon.

Srila Prabhupada Offering

So, the one message that I would like to give you today is: What service are you doing to please Srila Prabhupada? What will you do to show your love, your gratitude? You have gotten so much, it is such a great thing that we have, so let us do something.
Swami B.B. Vishnu

Conversations on Madhavendra Puri

Study, learning, discourse on philosophy so many things are possible prior to initiation (diksha), but unless one gets this ashraya one does not gain admission to the descending flow of bhakti-rasa.
Swami B.G. Narasingha

Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Tirobhava Homage

There was a disciple of our Guru Maharaja in 1976, I believe his name was Ananta Dasa Sastri. He used to travel with Srila Prabhupada in India and he was in the Sanskrit department assisting Srila Prabhupada in translation work. That year he compiled five slokas which describe much of Srila Prabhupada's divine character and his divine mission also. Prabhupada very much liked these five slokas. We used to sing them every morning before Guru Puja by his vyasasana, so some of you may remember them.
Swami B.G. Narasingha

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