Topic: History

Jagannatha Temple

Jagannatha Mandira

There is not a Hindu who has not heard the name of this temple. The old and the young, the male and the female, the Rajah and the ryot, and the weak and the stout, all visit this temple out of a religious curiosity.
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura
The Necessity of the Guru God-brother Relationship

The Necessity of the Guru God-brother Relationship

Most of us generally learn the basics of spiritual activities and conceptions from the older disciples of the Guru. Therein exists a hierarchy based on experience and realization. At some point direct association and possibly personal training comes from the Guru himself, but this actually turns out to be quite rare. To consider one's older god-brothers and god-sisters as śīkṣa-gurus in the living time of the Ācārya is the natural course one follows in spiritual life.
Jayadeva Gosvami Dasa

Vedic Global Culture

In ancient times there was indeed a shared culture and technology/knowledge that originated as part of Vedic culture.
Swami B.G. Narasingha

Vedic Archeology

Most Vaisnavas refer to Krishna as having appeared 5,000 years ago and generally credit Vedic civilization and Vaisnavism with great antiquity. But what hard, empirical proof do we have for this assertion?
Swami B.G. Narasingha

Hard as a Thunderbolt, Soft as a Flower

Swami Sadananda was the first western adherent to Gaudiya Vaishnava philosophy in the 20th century. He traveled to India and became an initiated disciple of Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati.

Big Fish in a Small Pond

If Srila Tirtha Maharaja had actually accepted our Guru Maharaja’s request back in 1965, then there would be no ISKCON!
Swami B.G. Narasingha

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