Tag: Zoroaster

Who Ruled India?

“Who Ruled India?” is an interesting question. The history of rule in India goes back to great antiquity, back and back to the days of the Mahabharata (emperors such as Yudhisthira and Pariksit Maharaja) and before that to the days of the Ramayana when Sri Ramacandra sat on the throne of Ayodhya.
Swami B.G. Narasingha

More on Real Religion is Not Man Made

There is no such statement in the revealed scriptures [sastras] that Visnu/Krsna [God] reveals His teachings in many places simultaneously. When it is mentioned that religion is taught according to time, place and circumstances, then that is referring to bona-fide teachers of eternal religion like Sri Ramanujacarya and Sri Madhvacarya and not upstarts like Mohammed, Jesus or St. Paul.
Swami B.G. Narasingha

Real Religion is not Man-made

During a recent visit to Europe I had some informal discussions about religious conceptions with other Gaudiya Vaisnavas and I was surprised to hear some devotees speak about such groups as the Sufis, Whirling Dervishes, Jews, Christians, Catholics, Orthodox Christians and Muslims as being deeply 'surrendered' souls. Of course, generally speaking this may be true – but surrendered to what?
Swami B.G. Narasingha

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