Tag: Vedic Age

Vedic Science & History book cover

Vedic Science & History

This book – Vedic Science and History, gives a detailed overview of the various contributions of Indian civilisation and it is our hope that this will help the reader discover and appreciate the many wondrous scientific contributions of the ancient Vedic culture of India.
Swami B.B. Vishnu
Science of Sacred book cover

Science of the Sacred

"Science of the Sacred" is a must read for those interested in knowing about India's unique and interesting achievements in the scientific field.

Swami B.B. Vishnu
Bhagavad Gita Cover in Russian Language

Bhagavad Gita (Russian)

The Bhagavad-gita is the key philosophical scripture that delineates the esoteric principles of bhakti-yoga.

Swami B.G. Narasingha
Cover of Bhagavad Gita - Mini

Bhagavad Gita (Mini)

The Anuvrtti commentary of Srila B.G. Narasingha Maharaja provides readers with a lucid explanation of this classical ancient Sanskrit text. Simple, yet profound, this unique edition of the Bhagavad-gita is a must for practitioners and seekers alike.
Swami B.G. Narasingha
Bhagavad Gita in Kannada Language

Bhagavad Gita (Kannada)

The Anuvrtti commentary of Srila B.G. Narasingha Maharaja provides readers with a lucid explanation of this classical ancient Sanskrit text. Simple, yet profound, this unique edition of the Bhagavad-gita is a must for practitioners and seekers alike.
Swami B.G. Narasingha

Vedic Archeology

Most Vaisnavas refer to Krishna as having appeared 5,000 years ago and generally credit Vedic civilization and Vaisnavism with great antiquity. But what hard, empirical proof do we have for this assertion?
Swami B.G. Narasingha

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