On September 2nd, the devotees at Govindaji Gardens celebrated Sri Krsna Janmastami. This years festival was very wonderful in that it saw a strong collective effort from both the asrama devotees and the outside Vaisnava community to make the program a great success. For almost 2 months all the devotees were collecting donations in cash and kind from various sources. It also brought us in contact with many new people who were eager to help our mission in different ways.
We did not venture to enter the details of madhurya-rasa. Our Guru Maharaja did not like it. But it will come irresistibly within you, you go on, sravana kirtana. Pujala raga-patha gaurava-bhange. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. It is so high. When it will come it will awaken within you. It won’t be awakened by any other person.
In the recent controversies amongst some of the Gaudiya Vaisnavas, those who present isolated and unusual examples of preaching as the rule, rather than as the exception to the proper Gaudiya conception, have simply increased the level of confusion. In particular the subject of the necessity of proper adhikara (qualifications) for hearing higher confidential topics regarding the Lord's lila has been greatly minimized by trying to establish the exception as the rule.