Tag: Radha-Damodara

The Mystery of the History of the Lila of Damodara

Devotees throng by the tens and hundreds of thousands every year, and especially during the month of Karttika, to have darsana of Sri Sri Radha-Damodara and to circumambulate the temple. The Deity of Damodara with Sri Radha to His left and Sri Lalita to His right is the eternal blackish form of Sri Krsna appearing in Vraja to satisfy the desires of His pure devotees. But much to the amazement of the observant devotee, Sri Damodara has changed His blackish colour to that of an effulgent brown! Not only has Damodara changed His colour, but all the original Deities of Sri Krsna in Vraja, and those that have gone elsewhere such as Govindadeva and Gopinatha in Jaipur, are changing their colour to brown as well! This is indeed a mystery.
Swami B.G. Narasingha

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