Tag: Karttika

Vikriditam Vraja Vadhubhir...

if we are only eager to hear about the rasa-lila for the sake of listening without discretion then we will fall into a state of severe illusion.
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura

Karttika Masa

A few images of devotees at Govindaji Gardens celebrating the holy month of Karttika.

Radha-pada Darsana

This year, on October 31st, on the Sukla-paksa Trayodasi during the month of Karttika, devotees celebrated the day that Srimati Radharani dressed in Subala-vesa – the dress of the cowherd boy Subala.
Swami B.G. Narasingha

Karttika in Vrndavana

The auspicious month of Karttika saw many thousands of fortunate devotees coming to Vrndavana from around the world.

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