Tag: Govardhana Puja

Sri Govardhana Puja

One may say, “This cannot be relied upon.” Come with trust! He is the controller of everything. In other cases also He showed miracles to Brahma and others who opposed. He is the Master of miracles.
Srila B.R. Sridhar Maharaja

Govardhana Puja in Guanajuato


The worship and observation of Govardhana Puja and Srila Sridhara Maharaja’s appearance were celebrated together this year in Guanajuato, after the marathon and mayhem of the International Cervantino Festival.

Govardhana Puja 2005

The following is a class by Srila Bhakti Gaurava Narasingha Maharaja given in the occasion of Sri Govardhana Puja at Govindaji Gardens on November 3rd 2005.

Swami B.G. Narasingha

Govardhana Puja 2010

Some photos of the highlights of Govardhana Puja at Govindaji Gardens on 7th November 2010.

Dasa Gosvami and the Unique Position of Govardhana

Raghunatha Dasa realized that when Mahaprabhu gave him the Govardhana-sila He was telling him that his eternal place of residence was at Govardhana and that his service should be performed at Radha-kunda.
Swami B.G. Narasingha

Worship of Govardhan

Some devotees worship Govardhana as Krsna or Balarama and others worship Him as the best devotee of Krsna (Srimati Radharani). How should we worship Govardhana?
Swami B.G. Narasingha

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