Tag: Caitanya Mahaprabhu

Guru is One

The meaning of the phrase, ‘Guru is one’ is derived from the Sanskrit statement akhanda-guru-tattva. This means the undivided (akhanda) principle of the guru-tattva. This undivided guru-tattva manifests in three aspects, namely caitya-guru, diksa-guru, and siksa-guru respectively.
Swami B.G. Narasingha

Mahaprabhu as Rasaraja-Mahabhava

On the basis of the identity if Sri Krsna Caitanya given in the sastra and sung by the acaryas, it is Sri Caitanya alone who is properly known as ‘Mahaprabhu.’
Swami B.G. Narasingha

Srila Sarasvati Thakura's Disappearance Day

Lecture given by Srila Sridhara Maharaja in the evening of the 24th December 1944 at Sri Caitanya Matha, Mayapura, and published in Dainik Nadiya Prakasa on the occasion of the observance of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura’s disappearance.

Srila B.R. Sridhar Maharaja

Sri Sri Gaurasundara Avirbhava Vasare

This Bengali bhajana was composed by His Divine Grace Srila Sridhara Deva Gosvami Maharaja commemorating the divine appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Srila B.R. Sridhar Maharaja

Gaura Purnima

The following is a class by Srila B.G. Narasingha Maharaja, given on Gaura Purnima 2002 in Vermont, USA.

Swami B.G. Narasingha

Makara Sankranti

A class by Srila Narasingha Maharaja on Makara Sankranti given on 16th January 2002, Vermont USA.
Swami B.G. Narasingha

Makara Sankranti

On this day, early in the morning, Mahaprabhu crossed the river by swimming at three o’clock or so, and ran towards Katwa.

Srila B.R. Sridhar Maharaja

The Role of Sri Guru in the Gaudiya Sampradaya

It is said in the revealed scriptures that to understand the very meaning of religion, self-realization and to know God, one has to approach a bona-fide spiritual master through the proper process. A guru or acarya heads a certain sampradaya and brings down the knowledge of the revealed scriptures from the previous acaryas. He practices according to his spiritual master’s instructions and distributes those instructions through his disciples to deliver the fallen souls in this material world.
Chaitanya Dasa

On Knowledge and Pure Devotion

In the famous talks between Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Ramananda Raya (Ramananda Samvada), Ramananda Raya gives Mahaprabhu several propositions on what actually is the ultimate goal of life beginning from varnasrama-dharma, leading up to the ultimate conception.
Swami B.V. Yati

Conqueror of All Quarters

What is necessary for this material world? The prime necessity is to change our outlook on this temporary world. The greatest example was shown for the contemporary generation by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Rupanuga Dasa

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