Srila Narasingha Maharaja in Czech Republic


On April 5th 2012 Srila Narasingha Maharaja travelled from Mexico to Czech Republic.

First Guru Maharaja stayed in Kadan at the house of Bhakta Petr and his family. While he was there for three days, he spoke hari-katha almost non-stop to the many devotees and guests who came to see him.

After Kadan, Guru Maharaja went to Prague and stayed at the house of Tattva-darsi Prabhu. He stayed there for five days speaking to the Prague devotees until going on to the house of Bhakta Lubo in Dolna Suca in Slovakia. In Dolna Suca he gave an enlivening class to many assembled guests and devotees on a variety of topics.

Guru Maharaja was also happy to see that Panca-tattva Prabhu and Bhakta Viktor had reprinted many of the main books of Srila Sridhara Maharaja into Czech language.

After eight days, Guru Maharaja and his entourage returned to Czech Republic and stayed at the house of Bhaktin Alenka in Koprivnice. There, he met with some new devotees and parents of devotees and gave practical advice to all who came to hear from him.

After a week, Guru Maharaja returned for a couple of days to Bhakta Petr's house in Kadan where he met Amaraprabhu Dasa and Radhe-Syama, our friends from Germany. He also held hari-nama initiations. Bhakta Hamsa became Hamsa-rupa Dasa, Bhakta Lubo became Loka-guru Dasa, Bhakta Petr became Premananda Dasa and Bhakta Alojza became Alanatha Dasa. On30th April Srila Guru Maharaja left from Prague with BV Giri Maharaja and returned to the devotees in Govindaji Gardens.

Guru Maharaja's stay in Czech and Slovakia enthused all the resident devotees there as well as the devotees that were traveling with him.

We would like to thank Panca-tattva Prabhu especially for organizing the tour as well as Hamsa-rupa Prabhu, Premananda Prabhu and his family, Tattva-darsi Prabhu, Loka-guru Prabhu and Visnupriya, Alenka, Bhakta Viktor and all the other devotees in Czech and Slovakia for their kindness and hospitality.

Srila Guru Maharaja ki Jaya!

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