Darshan • Janmastami 2022 • Govindaji Gardens
Janmastami preparation & Shringar Darshan of Sri Sri Gauranga Radha-Madhava deities of Govindaji Gardens.
Highlights of this years Janmastami festival.
Highlights of this years Gita Jayanti program held in Mandya City on 17th December.
A short video of the Vyasa Puja celebrations of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Narasingha Maharaja held at Govindaji Gardens in September 2010.
Gaura Purnima 2010 Celebration in Govindaji Gardens
Narasimha-saligram from Gandaki River in Nepal. Worshipped at Sri Narasimha Chaitanya Ashram in South India