Srila Prabhupada's Appearance Day


On September 3rd, 2010 Srila Prabhupada's Avirbhava was celebrated in Huejutla, Mexico. The day was full of hari-katha, kirtanas, bhajanas, aratikas and a fantastic feast of Mexicano maha-prasadam.

Janardana Prabhu, Haridasa Babaji Maharaja and Govardhana Dasa lead bhajanas and kirtanas. Janardana Prabhu and Bhadra Mataji shared sincere and kind words (in Spanish) about who Srila Prabhupada was and what he meant to them. English translation was supplied by their son, Hrsikesa Prabhu.

Puspanjali was then offered by all the devotees, followed by an enthusiastic kirtana that had all the devotees jumping and dancing in honor for our great acharya, Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

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