Sri Narasimha Caturdasi at Guanajuato


Srila Guru Maharaja graced the devotees with his presence in Guanajuato, Mexico for the appearance day of Lord Sri Narasimha Dev. He gave an animated and wonderful class in the morning about the pastimes not only of Prahlad Maharaja and Narasimha Dev, but began with the lila of Lord Varaha and Hiranyaksha. A couple main points Srila Guru Maharaja drew out and expressed are that Lord Narasimha Dev is the protector of the devotees and that in this age of Kali, the demons are within us and are killed by the Holy Name of Krishna entering in thru the ear and killing those unwanted things (anarthas).

After a kirtan, a busy and full-day of service commenced with cooking, baking and opening of the restaurant. The cooks for the festival included Krishna Kirtan, Purushottama Prabhu, Jahnavi Mataji, and Lakshman. The preps offered were a combination of Indo-Mex. Prasadam was then widely distributed to the general public. Some of the restaurant clients gave comments about how nice the restaurant preps were especially that day. All-in-all, a fully charged day of Narasimha katha, amazing association, fired-up kirtans, and seva, seva, seva.

Sri Narasimha Dev Bhagavan ki jai!

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