Srimad Bhagavad-Gita Yajna


On Sunday 3rd March, devotees from the asrama performed a Bhagavad-gita yajna at K.Shettahalli in Mandya District. Sripada Giri Maharaja presided over the function which was organized by Syamsundara Dasa and Guru Dasa Prabhus.

The four hour long yajna was performed by Gaura-Gopala Dasa and the Gita slokas chanted by Caitanya Dasa and Advaita Acarya Dasa.

Before the yajna began, Giri Maharaja explained to the participants and the public the importance of the Bhagavad-gita in today's society and the necessity of following Sri Krsna's teachings.

After the purna-ahuti (final oblation) Jagadisvara Prabhu led everyone in a wonderful maha-mantra kirtana in which all the participants and villagers took part.

Many copies of the Kannada Gita were sold and maha-prasdam was distributed to about 300 people.

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